Description of the Services

1. Background and Context:

A. Introduction

Of late, every year around 2.2 million people, mostly youth, enter the job market in Bangladesh. Of these young people, a major portion are educated with the conventional education system, some are dropped out and most of them lack the required skills to be employable. As a result of this, they do not get employed with the desired job and the expected level of national productivity are not achieved. And at the same time, the acceptance of the quality of workforce of Bangladesh is reducing in national and international job market. To make the country a middle-income nation state by 2021, achieving the SDG by 2030 and finally the developed nation by 2041, top priority is given to make these huge workable masses into skilled workforce. On this backdrop, National Skills Development Authority (NSDA) is working under the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to accelerate the process of skilling the huge population with required skills that have demand in local and global job market. The main objectives of NSDA are to encourage huge youths and jobless people to acquire skills as per the demand of industry, to create a social movement relating to the requirement of skills training, to make all aware towards creating a demand and supply based skills market, to acquaint the skilled manpower at national and international level and to draw the attention of international community about the competitive skills standard of Bangladesh. The authority, which is headed by an Executive
Chairman (Secretary) and includes four members in the status of Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary.

According to the NSDA Act, 2018 the authority will carry out the following main activities:

a. to make national skills development policy, strategy and plan of actions;
b. to fix Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for government and non-government training institutes, to prepare uniform training manual and to coordinate the activities of their implementation, supervision and evaluation for the purpose of creating skilled human resources for the national and international labour market;
c. to publish the forecast of national and international labour market demand and establish sector wise skills data bank;
d. to recognize, in applicable case, the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of professions;
e. to monitor and coordinate all projects and actions relating to skills development;
f. to take actions to develop standard of training, certification and mutual recognition;
g. to establish Industry Skills Councils and to give necessary assistance;
h. to strengthen industry linkage;
i. to take any initiative by the Authority on its own considering for the creation of skilled human resources.

The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has undertaken several reform initiatives in order to strengthen the skills development ecosystem in the country. Publicity using social media to popularize Skills development programs and remove social stigma will enhance the activities. Hence, Facebook publicity will play an important role.

B. Objectives

The objectives of the assignment will be:

a) to develop a comprehensive plan to reach people to make them know about NSDA activities;
b) to make skills popular
c) to eliminate social stigma about skills; and
d) to consult with relevant stakeholders and reflect their opinions in Facebook boost up;

C. Firm's Activities

1 Increase Facebook FANS & Followers;
2 National Awareness of specific information, notices, news or post as required;
3 Increase engagement rate with the page (View, Click, Like, Comments & Share);
4 Publishing of news/posts related to NSDA based on contents availability from concern department;
5 Promotion of any TVC / video nationally among social networks and monitoring of it;
6 Online Leads, calls, survey and any other feedback generation if required
7 Developing the NSDA Fan page as one of the interactive and professional platform for the nation;
8 Developing Facebook Messenger as one of the valid communication tools if required;
9 Building awareness of NSDA within Facebook partners' networks;
10 Provide training to 2 people with advanced tools & Techniques to continue if required
11 Market insights and market trends analysis and reporting on it for further improvements.
12 Support and guidance available for contents developer and graphic designers; and

‍D. Completion Criteria

a) The Firm has to follow the suggestions/recommendations of NSDA to ensure quality and maximum reach;
b) The consultant should be proactive to complete the assignment timely, and undertake visits to the stakeholders’ site, participate in meetings as and when necessary;
c) Submit update monthly.