Emerging Leaders Program

Emerging Leaders Program
Emerging Leaders Program is for developing the leadership capabilities among the emerging leaders. This is one of the highly demanded programs of LCBS Dhaka. More than 600+ participants attended the program from a wide range of industries. We already served the program to; Banglalink, ROBI, bKash, Summit Communication, Marico Bangladesh, City Bank, UCB, Shanta Holdings and a numbers of individuals. .
Program Overview
Talent management is the mantra of many sophisticated organizations. Having talented people is not enough. People need development to ensure their full potential is realized. In addition to talented people, the other scarce commodity is time. We don’t have the time to allow our talented people to evolve slowly and develop over many years. LCBS Dhaka Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) addresses both these dilemmas. Exceptional program design incorporating diverse and engaging learning approaches, flexible format (Residential/ non-Residential), and an intensive focus on performance improvement is coupled with skilled facilitators and coaches. This approach assures the fast-track development of your future leaders. Participants can expect to be challenged and inspired, their organizations can expect new and applied insight into what it takes to perform at the highest level.
Who Will Benefit
New managers, managers or team leaders who wish to consolidate their management style, people who are about to accept a management position or where the organizations are planning to entrust these candidates in important roles.
Program Outline
Leadership Essentials: The module includes leadership traits & styles and an pre-assessment to identify own leadership style.
Influencing Skills: Building relationships & network and expanding a circle of influence & bridging internal boundaries.
Taking Ownership & Accountability: Proactive approach, accountability cycle and create & share ownership.
Interpersonal Communication: Assertive communication, asking questions, listening skills, Johari Window and influencing through communication are the major topics under this module.
Goal Setting, Prioritization & Time Management: Setting SMART Goal, prioritizing day-to-day works, managing time & stress will be covered in this module.
Being Coachable: Get Clarity on the concept of coaching, the traits of being coachable and giving & receiving feedback.
Collaboration & Team Work: Fostering collaborative approach, understanding one’s role in the team, team building stages and finally, managing conflicts.
Program Methodologies
Instructor-led Interactive Lecturing
Role Play/ Mock Session
Case Studies/ Exercises
Group Activities to Maintain the Stamina
A 2days long Leadership Capabilities development program
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes