কম্পিউটারের হাতেখড়ি অনেক কিছু দিয়েই হতে পারে… কিন্তু কোনো সমস্যা হলে সবাই ঝামেলায় পড়েন সমান ভাবেই। কি হল? কেন হল? কিভাবে হল? সমাধান কি ? কোথায় সমাধান পাবো? নানা আতংকে পড়তে হয়। কিন্তু সব কিছুর সমাধান আপনি নিজেই চটজলদি করে …
Delivery Details: Total Class: 10 Class Duration: 2 hours Total Duration: Total 20 hrs. Class day: Friday and Saturday Language: Bangla, English Delivery Mode: Online/Offline Assessment: 2 (Two) Full-Length Mock Tests (End of the course). **Opportunity to get certified from …
Course Title: TallyPrime for Accounting, Inventory & Payroll Management Free Registration: https://crm.lcbsdhaka.com/view.php?id=265311 Course Overview: TallyPrime for Accounting, Inventory & Payroll Management. Tally ERP 9 software provides the benefit of full accounting, inventory and payroll management features. This is complete software therefore it can …
If you register any ACCA or CIMA module with LCBS Dhaka since 2010 and you have any proof of it then we will recognize you as our register student. You are still with LCBS Dhaka or not, regular or irregular, …
“Advanced MS Office Excel Essentials” is one of the most successful program brought to you by LCBS Dhaka. Excellent program feedback and more interest of participants made it a success. 500 +professionals got their training on “Advanced MS Office Excel …
In the era of technological advancement and at the verge of 4th industrial revolution, defining factor of success lies in technical competence and IT based skill. To facilitate this, LCBS Dhaka is going to launch an IT training platform covering …