কম্পিউটারের হাতেখড়ি অনেক কিছু দিয়েই হতে পারে… কিন্তু কোনো সমস্যা হলে সবাই ঝামেলায় পড়েন সমান ভাবেই। কি হল? কেন হল? কিভাবে হল? সমাধান কি ? কোথায় সমাধান পাবো? নানা আতংকে পড়তে হয়। কিন্তু সব কিছুর সমাধান আপনি নিজেই চটজলদি করে …
Certified Documentary Credit Specialist (CDCS) ◉ Course Overview: The Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialists (CDCS) is a professional qualification that is recognized worldwide as a benchmark of competence for international practitioners of Letter of Credits that have become very popular …
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) ◉ Course Overview: Compliance is first, compliance is a must. Nowadays, fighting against money laundering and terrorist financing is one of the major compliance functions for banks, Non-bank financial institutions, and even non-business professions like …
CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor)- Is highest in Demand Globally in this Digital ERA -The CISA designation is a globally recognized certification for IS audit control, assurance, and security professionals. Register Now: https://crm.lcbsdhaka.com/view.php?id=214402 “Since its inception in 1978, more than …
With the noble vision of producing a global standard skilled workforce to meet local industry needs and export human talent rather than import from neighboring countries LCBS Dhaka always seeks opportunities to introduce new global qualifications and is already successful …
𝐋𝐂𝐁𝐒 𝐃𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐚 is back again with the most renowned faculty of ACCA Applied Skills and Strategic Professional level for the 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 session. Our teachers are not only the best contributors in creating ACCA High Achievers of the country but …
Delivery Details: Total Class: 10 Class Duration: 2 hours Total Duration: Total 20 hrs. Class day: Friday and Saturday Language: Bangla, English Delivery Mode: Online/Offline Assessment: 2 (Two) Full-Length Mock Tests (End of the course). **Opportunity to get certified from …
Course Title: TallyPrime for Accounting, Inventory & Payroll Management Free Registration: https://crm.lcbsdhaka.com/view.php?id=265311 Course Overview: TallyPrime for Accounting, Inventory & Payroll Management. Tally ERP 9 software provides the benefit of full accounting, inventory and payroll management features. This is complete software therefore it can …
If you register any ACCA or CIMA module with LCBS Dhaka since 2010 and you have any proof of it then we will recognize you as our register student. You are still with LCBS Dhaka or not, regular or irregular, …
Celebrating Women’s Day 2020 at LCBS Dhaka with Tariqua Amina Jaffar Head of Department, International Business & New Ventures, Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) and M A Kalam, Chairman & CEO, LCBS Dhaka.