Leadership Development Program

Understanding Leaders of the future must be able to identify how they are seen by their teams; if they don’t understand the perception of others, they will not be able to achieve the desired outcomes their workplace may require of them. This program is designed to increase a leader’s influence on the people they lead. Before the program, participants will complete a 360° questionnaire and then examine the outcomes of this during the program. This enables participants to identify how others see them in their leadership role and examine ways to improve other’s perceptions of them in the workplace. The program provides opportunity for participants to identify their own and their organization's values and the influencers a leader needs to move others around them. The effective communication skills a leader needs to achieve required organizational and team outcomes will also be explored.

  Who Will Benefit

The program is suitable for team leaders, managers and coordinators at all levels who are seeking to understand themselves as leaders, where they need to go in terms of leadership development, and in creating an action plan based on their learning.

  Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:
Have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as seen by the people they lead
Define their personal values through self-evaluation
Clarify and adjust their approach, values and beliefs about leadership and communicate these to the team
Identify the basis for effective leadership in any organization.

 Program Outline

Discovering the Power of Influence The 360° Questionnaire and Feedback Discovering Organizational ‘Fit’
Leadership Strategies
Identifying Values – Self and Organizational
Communicating Vision that Attracts Others
Understanding Your Organization's Values
Aligning Your Values with Your Organization's Values
Identifying a Basis for Organizational/Personal Ethics.

 Program Methodologies

 Instructor-led Interactive Lecturing
 Role Play/ Mock Session
 Case Studies/ Exercises
 Group Activities to Maintain the Stamina


A 2 days long personal mastery development program .

 We served Participant

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