Start Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Start Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) right after your HSC/O level and give your career a secure and advantageous starting.
At present, there is a lack of skilled and experienced entry-level accountants in Bangladesh. Even, many graduates are not getting any employment due to the lack of professional or technical skill-based qualifications. Considering this, ACCA has developed CAT qualifications with employers in mind and focuses on the core skills of financial and management accounting. Students can earn this qualification by passing only nine papers and acquiring one year of experience. Exams can be attended online.
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You can complete this qualification (9 papers) within 1.5 years with our well-structured program that takes your development into account to acquire a strong foundation. You may then progress onto the ACCA Qualification, starting at the Applied Skills exam (exempted from Applied Knowledge).
On completion of your CAT exams, one year of relevant practical experience and having completed your Foundations in Professionalism, you will be entitled to use the designation of “CAT” after your title.
LCBS Dhaka is here to support your ACCA journey for more than a decade. They are supporting you by providing an excellent faculty consists only of ACCA Members and Affiliates. Who are dedicated to support you while you are anywhere in Bangladesh.
Also, LCBS Dhaka will prepare you job ready by adding values like:
– Providing training on Bangladesh Tax and Law.
– Soft skill training
– Additional training on IT and accounting software.
We have thousands of success stories to tell.
Join LCBS Dhaka today and give your accountancy dream a new edge!
◉ For More Details:
Tel: 02-48118935-6,
Mobile: 01746388644-45,
Hotline: 09678 505050
WhatsApp: 01680436235
Address: House # 120, Road # 9/A, Shankar Bus Stand, Dhanmondi, Dhaka -1209
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