OBU Research And Analysis Project Guide:

Students studying for their ACCA qualification now have the opportunity to obtain a graduation degree from a recognized and highly respected university, Oxford Brookes University (OBU), UK.

LCBS is the first Approved Learning Partner (ALP) and training centre in Bangladesh to offer students with the OBU Degree Program. ACCA students can now obtain a Bachelor’s (Honour’s) Degree in Applied Accounting awarded from the Oxford Brookes University, after the completion of all the Applied Skills Level papers (LW-FM) of ACCA.

The Degree is worth 360 UK University credits or 180 European Credit Transfer System credits.

This degree allows students to have an academic degree alongside ACCA and also helps to enhance their knowledge.

The Oxford Brookes Degree offers:

  • A European Bachelor’s Degree reward
  • Learning about how to write a research report
  • Doorway to further academic/professional qualifications (e.g. – Master’s degree).
  • Fulfilling eligibility for Migration.
  • Saving both time and cost

Program Structure:

The Mentorship Program will guide the candidates on different aspects of the Degree program, such as:

  • Choosing your topic
  • Research & analysis methods
  • Writing your report
  • Arranging meeting with the Mentor
  • Presentation skills
  • Preparing your Skills and Learning Statement

The Assignments:

The entire assignment consists preparing the following:

  • 7,500 words Research Report
  • 2,000 words Skills and Learning Statement (SLS)
  • A PowerPoint presentation (maximum 20 ppt slides so that it can be presented in 15-minutes)
  • List of References using a systemic approach (e.g. – Harvard Referencing System)
  • Additional appendices as applicable (spreadsheet, financial statements, etc.)

The Research Report: The research report should have the following 3 sections:

  • Part 1: Objective and Research Approach (less than 1,000 words)
  • Part 2: Information Gathering and Technique used (less than 2,000 words)
  • Part 3: Analysis, Conclusions and Recommendation (less than 4,500 words)

Skills and Learning Statement (SLS): The SLS consists of answering 4 pre-defined self-reflective questions. The students are expected to answer the following points while answering those questions:

  • What are the challenges they faced during their preparation?
  • How did they overcome their challenges?
  • What are the key learnings from the RAP?
  • How did the RAP helped them to improve their communication & presentation skills?
  • How will the learnings be impacted and implemented in their future professional and academic career?

Answer of each question will should be within (350-650 words).

Remote Mentoring: LCBS Dhaka provides the facility of remote mentoring for the Candidates who are unable to physically visit or not interested to take the hassle of traffic/ travelling. The mentoring support is provided by the OBU Registered Mentor. The communication can easily take place via email, phone conversation, video communication platforms (e.g. – Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, etc.). The candidates can consult with their Mentor regarding their convenient method of communication.

Group Presentation: LCBS Dhaka arranges for the group presentation as is part of OBU requirement. The students will be required to give around 15-minutes presentation on their Key Research Findings of their Report to a group of their peers in accordance with the OBU requirements. However, in difficult situations (e.g. – COVID-19), LCBS Dhaka will arrange online remote presentation via video communication platforms convenient for you.

Additional Support: You can book additional meetings with the Mentor to discuss any problems you may face while preparing or gathering your data or report.